Yahoo Messenger - Как массово экспортировать весь архив сообщений в виде текстовых файлов

Я хотел бы экспортировать весь свой архив сообщений в простой текстовый формат, чтобы я мог искать его. Это выполнимо?

3 ответа


Yahoo! Messenger Archive Viewer может сделать это за вас. Некоторые функции должны быть оплачены, но он экспортирует в простой текст, он делает бесплатно. Это также позволяет вам искать ваш архив.

Единственное, что я могу найти, похожее на то, что вы просите, - это утилита: Yahoo Message Archive Decoder. Кажется, это работает хорошо, хотя некоторые вещи, такие как адреса электронной почты, взломаны, и вы должны заплатить, чтобы увидеть их.

Я взломал этот PHP-скрипт для экспорта моих архивов. Большая часть кода взята из двух других скриптов умными людьми, как отмечено в комментариях.

Работает с Yahoo Messenger до версии 10, где все архивирование сообщений выполнялось локально, но не в более поздних версиях. Я использую Windows XP, чтобы запустить скрипт PHP, я просто установил VertrigoServ и сделал это индексным файлом для веб-сервера, затем откройте


в моем браузере.

Все соответствующие файлы выводятся в порядке измененного времени, самое старое сначала.

Настройте эти параметры в соответствии с:

// Where your Yahoo Messenger files are kept
 $archive_dir = 'C:/Program Files/Yahoo!/Messenger/Profiles';

 // Regular expression filtering the path names of file for particular
 // user names (e.g. I want all the messages I've exchanged with john or
 // bob
 $archive_people_files ='/Messages.*(john|bob)/'; 

 // Output file name
 $output_file_name = 'ym_output.txt';

 // Name of my account
 $from_name = 'geoffs_account_name';

 // My name as I want it to appear in the output
 $to_name = 'geoff';

Полный скрипт:

// Put together using these scripts:

// Found on

 * Usage:
 * ./decodeYahoo.php account contact file
 * 'account' is the Y!M account name.
 * 'recipient' is the name of the contact
 * 'file' is the file to parse.
 * Please note: There is no error checking
 * in the code below. If you want to use
 * this code for anything important, please
 * add some. Also, fopen/fread would be more
 * memory efficient than a file_get_contents,
 * but again, I'm being super lazy today. (o:


// Where your Yahoo Messenger files are kept
$archive_dir = 'C:/Program Files/Yahoo!/Messenger/Profiles';

// Regular expression filtering the path names of file for particular user names (e.g. I want all the messages I've exchanged with john or bob
$archive_people_files ='/Messages.*(john|bob)/'; 

// Output file name
$output_file_name = 'ym_output.txt';

// Name of my account
$from_name = 'geoffs_account_name';

// My name as I want it to appear in the output
$to_name = 'geoff';


 * Find files in a directory matching a pattern
 * Paul Gregg <>
 * 20 March 2004,  Updated 20 April 2004
 * Updated 18 April 2007 to add the ability to sort the result set
 * Updated 9 June 2007 to prevent multiple calls to sort during recursion
 * Updated 12 June 2009 to allow for sorting by extension and prevent following
 * symlinks by default
 * Version: 2.3
 * This function is backwards capatible with any code written for a
 * previous version of preg_find()
 * Open Source Code:   If you use this code on your site for public
 * access (i.e. on the Internet) then you must attribute the author and
 * source web site:
 * Working examples:

define('PREG_FIND_DIRMATCH', 2);
define('PREG_FIND_FULLPATH', 4);
define('PREG_FIND_NEGATE', 8);
define('PREG_FIND_DIRONLY', 16);
define('PREG_FIND_SORTDESC', 64);
define('PREG_FIND_SORTKEYS', 128); 

// PREG_FIND_RECURSIVE   - go into subdirectorys looking for more files
// PREG_FIND_DIRMATCH    - return directorys that match the pattern also
// PREG_FIND_DIRONLY     - return only directorys that match the pattern (no files)
// PREG_FIND_FULLPATH    - search for the pattern in the full path (dir+file)
// PREG_FIND_NEGATE      - return files that don't match the pattern
// PREG_FIND_RETURNASSOC - Instead of just returning a plain array of matches,
//                         return an associative array with file stats
// PREG_FIND_FOLLOWSYMLINKS - Recursive searches (from v2.3) will no longer
//                            traverse symlinks to directories, unless you
//                            specify this flag. This is to prevent nasty
//                            endless loops.
// You can also request to have the results sorted based on various criteria
// By default if any sorting is done, it will be sorted in ascending order.
// You can reverse this via use of:
// PREG_FIND_SORTDESC    - Reverse order of sort
// PREG_FILE_SORTKEYS    - Sort on the keyvalues or non-assoc array results
// The following sorts *require* PREG_FIND_RETURNASSOC to be used as they are
// sorting on values stored in the constructed associative array
// PREG_FIND_SORTBASENAME - Sort the results in alphabetical order on filename
// PREG_FIND_SORTMODIFIED - Sort the results in last modified timestamp order
// PREG_FIND_SORTFILESIZE  - Sort the results based on filesize
// PREG_FILE_SORTDISKUSAGE - Sort based on the amount of disk space taken
// PREG_FIND_SORTEXTENSION - Sort based on the filename extension
// to use more than one simply seperate them with a | character

// Search for files matching $pattern in $start_dir.
// if args contains PREG_FIND_RECURSIVE then do a recursive search
// return value is an associative array, the key of which is the path/file
// and the value is the stat of the file.
Function preg_find($pattern, $start_dir='.', $args=NULL) {

  static $depth = -1;

  $files_matched = array();

  $fh = opendir($start_dir);

  while (($file = readdir($fh)) !== false) {
    if (strcmp($file, '.')==0 || strcmp($file, '..')==0) continue;
    $filepath = $start_dir . '/' . $file;
    if (preg_match($pattern,
                   ($args & PREG_FIND_FULLPATH) ? $filepath : $file)) {
      $doadd =    is_file($filepath)
               || (is_dir($filepath) && ($args & PREG_FIND_DIRMATCH))
               || (is_dir($filepath) && ($args & PREG_FIND_DIRONLY));
      if ($args & PREG_FIND_DIRONLY && $doadd && !is_dir($filepath)) $doadd = false;
      if ($args & PREG_FIND_NEGATE) $doadd = !$doadd;
      if ($doadd) {
        if ($args & PREG_FIND_RETURNASSOC) { // return more than just the filenames
          $fileres = array();
          if (function_exists('stat')) {
            $fileres['stat'] = stat($filepath);
            $fileres['du'] = $fileres['stat']['blocks'] * 512;
          if (function_exists('fileowner')) $fileres['uid'] = fileowner($filepath);
          if (function_exists('filegroup')) $fileres['gid'] = filegroup($filepath);
          if (function_exists('filetype')) $fileres['filetype'] = filetype($filepath);
          if (function_exists('mime_content_type')) $fileres['mimetype'] = mime_content_type($filepath);
          if (function_exists('dirname')) $fileres['dirname'] = dirname($filepath);
          if (function_exists('basename')) $fileres['basename'] = basename($filepath);
          if (($i=strrpos($fileres['basename'], '.'))!==false) $fileres['ext'] = substr($fileres['basename'], $i+1); else $fileres['ext'] = '';
          if (isset($fileres['uid']) && function_exists('posix_getpwuid')) $fileres['owner'] = posix_getpwuid ($fileres['uid']);
          $files_matched[$filepath] = $fileres;
        } else
          array_push($files_matched, $filepath);
    if ( is_dir($filepath) && ($args & PREG_FIND_RECURSIVE) ) {
      if (!is_link($filepath) || ($args & PREG_FIND_FOLLOWSYMLINKS))
        $files_matched = array_merge($files_matched,
                                   preg_find($pattern, $filepath, $args));


  // Before returning check if we need to sort the results.
    $order = ($args & PREG_FIND_SORTDESC) ? 1 : -1;
    $sortby = '';
    if ($args & PREG_FIND_RETURNASSOC) {
      if ($args & PREG_FIND_SORTMODIFIED)  $sortby = "['stat']['mtime']";
      if ($args & PREG_FIND_SORTBASENAME)  $sortby = "['basename']";
      if ($args & PREG_FIND_SORTFILESIZE)  $sortby = "['stat']['size']";
      if ($args & PREG_FIND_SORTDISKUSAGE) $sortby = "['du']";
      if ($args & PREG_FIND_SORTEXTENSION) $sortby = "['ext']";
    $filesort = create_function('$a,$b', "\$a1=\$a$sortby;\$b1=\$b$sortby; if (\$a1==\$b1) return 0; else return (\$a1<\$b1) ? $order : 0- $order;");
    uasort($files_matched, $filesort);
  return $files_matched;




// Output each opened file and then close
foreach ($files as $filename) {
         echo "<p>" . $filename;

if (!($fp = fopen($output_file_name, 'w'))) {

foreach ($files as $filename) {

 preg_match('/Profiles.(.*).Archive.Messages.(.*).20......-/',$filename, $matches);   
 $account = $matches[1];
 $to = $matches[1];
 $contact = $matches[2];

 $p = 0; // Position in the file's data.
 $data = file_get_contents("${filename}");

 fprintf($fp,"*** $filename\n\n");

 while ($p < strlen($data)) {
     $result = array();

     $pieces = unpack('ltime/lunknown/ltoFrom/llength', substr($data, $p, $p + 16));

     $p += 16;

     $result['date'] = date('r', $pieces['time']);
     $result['to'] = $pieces['toFrom'] ? $contact : $account;

     if ($result['to'] == $from_name) {$result['to'] = $to_name;}

     $cypherText = substr($data, $p, $pieces['length']);

     $p += $pieces['length'];

     // Generates the XOR key by repeating the account name
     // then chopping off extra characters so the entire message
     // can be XOR in one operation.
     $key = str_repeat($to, ceil($pieces['length'] / strlen($to)));
     $key = substr($key, 0, strlen($cypherText));
     $result['text'] = $key ^ $cypherText;

     // There seems to be an extra 4 bytes of junk here.

     // Nov 01, 2008 12:34 PersonTalking: That's what SHE said.
     $new_text = preg_replace('/<font.*?Arial">/', '', $result['text'] );
     $new_text = preg_replace('/...000000m/', '', $new_text );
     $new_text = preg_replace('/<.font><.font>/', '', $new_text );
     $new_text = preg_replace('/%/', '%%', $new_text );
     $new_text = preg_replace('/\r/', "\n                               \t                   \t", $new_text );
     $new_text = preg_replace('/\e\[.?2m/', "---- ", $new_text );
//     echo "{$result['date']} {$result['to']}: {$new_text}\n<p>";
     fprintf($fp, "{$result['date']}\t{$result['to']}:\t{$new_text}\n\n");

echo "done";
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