Может ли гибернация моего ноутбука повредить мой уже поврежденный жесткий диск?

В течение прошлого года я каждый день спал на своем ноутбуке (вместе с еженедельными отключениями), и недавно мой жесткий диск был поврежден, что привело к пресловутой перезагрузке. Я только что восстановил его, обнаружив более 1000 поврежденных секторов в процессе ремонта. Техник посоветовал мне не переводить компьютер в спящий режим, поскольку это может увеличить нагрузку на жесткий диск. Это правда?

Изменить: Технический специалист только сделал "программу восстановления жесткого диска" на моем жестком диске, который занял около часа.

1 ответ

Short answer: probably yes , if the hard drive is already old or slightly damaged. Probably no , if the hard drive is healthy and new.

Long answer: When hibernating your Laptop, all data that lies in the RAM gets written to the hard drive (so the state of your computer is stored similarly to a mere "suspend" [to RAM]).

That means each time you hibernate, some amount of data is written to your hard drive (several 100MiB to several GiB). If your hard drive is healthy, this should not matter (hard drives are MADE to store data).

However, I can think of 2 scenarios where hibernating CAN actually be detrimental to the life of your hard disk:

  • If your hard drive has defect sectors where it wants to write the hibernation-data, the internal HDD-controller will re-map those sectors to some of the HDD's reserved sectors. Therefore, the amount of unused reserved sectors will decrease. Since you don't have too many of those reserved sectors, one day you will run out (sooner rather than later!). If that happens, you REALLY need to replace your hard disk ASAP.

  • In general, if you physically move your laptop - and therefore the hard drive within - while it is running (especially when reading/writing data to disk, as you do when entering the hibernation state). The vibration and other forces applied can cause write-errors on the disk (bad for your data itself) or even physical damage on the write-read head or on the platters of the hard drive themselves (which is really bad for your drive). Seeing many people that just press "hibernation" and immediately throw the laptop into their backpack, I can see how that might damage the hard drive.

That being said: If your hard disk starts showing up a lot of bad sectors, its best to replace it right now while all data is still readable.

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